Silka Blog Insights

Prevent Athlete's Foot by Finding a Shoe That Fits You

Written by Silka | 19/11/2020

One of the best ways to prevent athlete's foot is by wearing the correct size shoes. This is especially true for those that are on their feet all day in the same pair of shoes and athletes. Along with a proper foot care routine, wearing shoes that fit you properly will help prevent your feet from sweating and producing excess moisture, which encourages the fungal infection to develop. To learn more about preventing athlete’s foot, read our blog on How to prevent athlete’s foot from coming back.

Here we’re sharing some tips for finding shoes that fit you properly to prevent athlete’s foot.

Choosing Properly Fitting Shoes

Sometimes it’s tempting to buy that pair of shoes that look great but are a size too small. We’ve all been there - that pair may look perfect with the outfit you plan to wear on Saturday night, but honestly, it’s not worth sacrificing your foot health and comfort for style!

Wearing shoes that are too tight only increases your chance of developing a fungal athlete’s foot infection.

When you go shoe shopping it’s best to find shoes that fit well and are comfortable to wear. The best shoes to help you avoid athlete’s foot:

•  Fit properly. Shoes should fit well and not be too loose or too tight.

•  Are breathable. Natural materials, such as cotton or leather, allow air to circulate easier around your feet - unlike synthetic fibers which can cause your feet to sweat more, creating a perfect environment for foot fungus to accumulate.

As a side note, make sure you wash your shoes regularly to keep them fresh, clean, and fungus free. Also remember to wear clean socks — the best socks for preventing athlete's foot are made from natural fibers like cotton.

What About Buying Shoes Online?

It can seem impossible to get a perfect fit when buying shoes online since you can’t try on different pairs before you buy. For a great fitting pair of shoes, try these tips when purchasing shoes online:

•  Measure your feet at home and compare them to the retailer’s size chart. Usually, online stores have a size chart that shows you detailed measurements for each size. Once you know your measurements, it’s easy to compare them against the chart.

•  After finding your perfect shoe size stick to it. Browse through the different shoe options that come in your size and don’t be tempted to stray away from it!

What Shoe Size Am I?

Many people find that they’re in between shoe sizes which makes it harder to know which size to purchase. If you’ve measured your feet several times and still find that your feet are in between two different sizes it’s always best to buy the slightly larger size.

You can then wear thicker socks or insert some insoles so that the shoes feel more comfortable and fit your feet better.

If you’re finding it hard to identify your shoe size, it can be helpful to head in store for a professional shoe fitting. Many shoe stores offer complimentary shoe fittings so you can identify the best shoe size for your feet.


Apart from being generally uncomfortable for the wearer, tight shoes can increase your chance of an unpleasant athlete’s foot infection.

Tight shoes result in sweaty feet that are not able to ventilate properly. This can cause a build-up of sweat and excess moisture. These hot and humid conditions can encourage excess buildup of foot fungus which can result in an athlete's foot infection.

How Do I Know if I Have Athlete’s Foot?

If you’ve been wearing shoes that are too tight and start to develop a deep itch on the bottom of your foot or in between your toes, it’s likely that you’ve contracted the foot fungus.

Look out for peeling, flaky, and red skin between your toes. If infected, your feet will start to burn, itch, and smell bad. You may also notice it on the sides of your feet and your toenails. To learn more about the fungal foot infection, check our blog post What is Athlete’s Foot?

If you’re an athlete or like to exercise regularly, you may be more prone to an athlete’s foot infection because you experience sweaty and damp feet more often as a result of your exercise routine.

Having said that, anyone can experience an athlete’s foot infection which is why a proper foot care routine is so important.

If you find out that you have athlete’s foot, it’s essential to treat it quickly and effectively to prevent it from spreading or developing into a chronic condition. To learn more, check out our blog Choosing the right athlete’s foot treatment.

Take care!