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How to Get Rid of Sweaty Feet

Written by Silka | 09/07/2020

Are you embarrassed by your sweaty feet? You may be relieved to find out that it is actually a very common condition, and most people are bound to have sweaty feet at some point in their lives. While pretty much everyone gets sweaty feet in hot weather and after physical activity, having constantly wet feet can put you at risk for athlete's foot. Read on to find out why your feet sweat and what you can do to get them under control.

Why do my feet sweat?


What are some of the main causes of sweaty feet? There are many factors that can cause your feet to sweat more than usual. Here we will explore each one:


Hormonal changes: The hormonal fluctuations that come with puberty and pregnancy can cause an increase in foot sweat.

Active Jobs: If you have a job that requires you to be constantly active and on your feet all day, you may be likely to have sweaty feet by the end of the day.

Footwear: The shoes that you wear can be a major cause of sweaty feet. Tight shoes that don't breathe very easily are the perfect recipe for increased foot sweat. If you then allow sweat to stick around in these shoes and wear them while still wet, you will also likely get smelly feet, and increase your risk of getting athlete's foot.

Hyperhidrosis: If you have seriously sweaty feet with no apparent cause, you could have hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes your feet to sweat excessively. If you suspect that you have hyperhidrosis, you should make an appointment with your primary care doctor or podiatrist in order to treat the condition properly.


How to stop sweaty feet


Prevention is the best bet to stop foot sweat in its tracks. Practicing good foot hygiene and maintaining a regular foot care routine is essential to maintaining dry and good foot health. Here is a bit more on actionable steps that you can take:


Change your socks: at least once a day, or after doing heavy exercise. The best socks for sweaty feet are those made of breathable wool and cotton materials. Avoid nylon materials that restrict airflow, and harbor moisture.

Don’t wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. Your shoes need a chance to dry out to avoid the accumulation of foot fungus and bad odors. This is particularly important if you’ve been running, working out at the gym, or if you have been physically active while wearing the shoes.

Practice good foot hygiene: by thoroughly washing your feet with soap once a day, then carefully drying between your toes after washing your feet, you will prevent any trapped moisture from fostering foot fungus and bacteria.


Fight sweaty feet with these tips


Try using a foot powder to absorb the sweat from your feet. Our Silka Odor Defense Powder not only absorbs sweat and moisture but also fights bad smells and provides a long-lasting cool fresh feeling.

You could also try using Silka Liquid Powder. This is easily applied as a cream and turns into a powder almost instantly. Absorbing sweat and moisture from your foot — helping to prevent bad odors and leaving your feet feeling fresh.

In addition to buying socks exclusively made with natural materials like cotton or wool, some socks are specifically designed to wick moisture and prevent fungal growth. The sports socks selection is a great place to find socks designed to eliminate moisture and protect your feet.

As a good complement to a pair of quality moisture-absorbing socks, it is also important that you are wearing the right shoes. Footwear made of materials like canvas or woven fabrics allow your feet to breathe and reduce the amount of moisture trapped in your shoes. If you must wear a formal shoe, always choose leather over vinyl or plastic, since leather will allow your feet to breathe better.


Sweaty feet are usually easy to fix when you stick to a foot care routine. However, if you are not seeing results after implementing these tips into your routine, or have a sudden onset of symptoms, you should consult your primary care doctor or podiatrist.

Sometimes sweaty feet can be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs further attention, and your doctor will be able to advise on any further prescriptions and refer you for further treatment if necessary.

Take care!